Professor of Spanish Literature and Language

Northern Illinois University(emeritus)



1952-1956 B.A. University of Maryland

1958-1959 M.A. Middlebury College, Spanish

1956-1963 M.A. Middlebury College, Russian (Summer School)

1960-1968 Ph.D. Indiana University, Spanish and Russian


Indiana University Fellowship, 1964-65

Inter-University Research Fellowship (IREX), 1964-65

Indiana University Fellowship, 1965-66

University of Kansas Summer Research Assistance, 1967

Northern Illinois University Summer Research, 1972

Fulbright and IREX Grants, 1975

Leave of Absence without pay—France, Spain (IREX), Spring 1975

Grant from Direcci*n General de Relaciones Culturales, Madrid, Summer 1975

Sabbatical at the University of Illinois, Spring and Summer 1977

Associate of the Russian Center, Summer 1978

Summer Grant from Northern Illinois University, 1978

Research Grant from the American Philosophical Society, Fall 1980 and Fall 1983

Summer Graduate School Grant from Northern Illinois University Summer 1984, 1986, 1988

Newberry Library Grant 1990

American Philosophical Society, 1991

NEH 1991

University Sabbatical 1992

Newberry Library Grant 1993

American Philosophical Society 1995

Program for Cultural Cooperation Between Spain’s Ministry of Culture and United States’ Universities 1995

Newberry Library Grant, 1996, 1997,1999

Newberry Library Scholar-in Residence 2000-


2000 (Fall) Visiting Professor, Department of Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese at the University of Illinois at Chicago

1977-2000 Professor of Spanish, Northern Illinois University, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (emeritus)

1970-1977 Associate Professor of Spanish, Northern Illinois University, Department of Foreign Language and Literatures

1966-1970 Assistant Professor, University of Kansas, Spanish Department

1960-1964 Teaching Associate, part-time, Indiana University Spanish Department.

Summers 1954, 1955 Interpreter, U.S. State Department


Spanish Medireview and Golden Age surveys, Don Quijote, the Spanish picaresque novel, Spanish Golden Age Theater, bibliography and

methods, introductory Spanish courses. Graduate courses and seminars Medireview, Renaissance, and Baroque.



American Association of University Professors

The Caxton Club

International Association of Hispanists

World Union of Jewish Studies

Editorial Boards of Edition Reichenberger and Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias

Newberry Library Reviewer of fellowship applications

Real Academia de Bellas Artes y Ciencias Hist*ricas (Toledo) Corresponding Member


Europe (Spain, Germany, Soviet Union), 1957-1960

Soviet Union, Spain, 1965

Brazil, Mexico, 1968

Brazil, Argentina, Chile, 1970

Spain, 1971

Spain, Portugal, 1972

Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, 1974

Spain, France, England, 1975

Spain, 1976

Brazil, 1980

Spain, Italy, France, Holland, 1981

Brazil, 1984

Israel, 1985

France, 1991

Spain, England, 1995

Brazil, 1996

Spain, 1998



"Mantillas in Moscovy: The Spanish Golden Age Theater in Tsarist Russia (1672-1917) "The University of Kansas Humanistic Series, XLI (1970). 161 pp. Mantillas en Moscovia. Spanish translation of Mantillas in Moscovy. Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias (Barcelona) (1988). 296 pp.

"El Cancionero de Sebastián de Horozco." University of Utah Literature Series and Herbert Lang (Bern). Volume 3. (1975). 345 pp.

Relaciones Hist*ricas Toledanas de Sebastián de Horozco, Introducci*n y texto. (Toledo: Instituto de estudios toledanos, 1981), 238 pp.

En busca de la justicia social: Estudios sobre el teatro español del Siglo de Oro. Scripta Humanistica (Washington, D.C., 1984).

148 pp.

Sebastián de Horozco. El libro de los proverbios glosados. Edition

and study. Edition Reichenberger. Kassel, 1994. 699pp.

El poema de Mio Cid:El patriarca Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar trasmite sus genes. 220 pages. Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2001.


El ciego y las dos hambres de Lazarillo de Tormes. Serie monográfica de la universidad Cat*lica de Valparaíso, Chile. (March, 1971), 36 pp.

Earthly Paradise, Earthly Hell: Spain in the Works of Fedor Dostoevsky. Valencia: Serie Monográfica Albatros Hispan*fila, (1989), 65 pp.



"La Gitanilla de Cervantes y Tsygane de Pushkin," (with Evelynn F. Meyerson, Johns Hopkins University), Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, XVII (1963), 82-7. Also appeared as "Cervantes’ Gypsy Maid and Pushkin’s The Gypsies," Indiana Slavic Studies, IV (1964), 209-14.


"Sobre el origen de las palabras, ‘Moscovia’ y ‘Moscovita’," Hispania, XLIII (1964), 135-6.


"Machado’s Concept of Russia," Hispania, XLIV (1966), 31-5.


A Trip Across the Pampas of Buenos Aires (1836-1837) by Platon Alexandrevich Chikhachev. My translation from the Russian, with articles by John P. Augelli, Roberto García Pinto, and me. "The University of Kansas Occasional Publications," Number Eight, Center of Latin American Studies (May, 1967), 63 pp. Appeared in Spanish in Boletín del Instituto de Historia Argentina, IX, Segunda serie, 14-15 (1967), 1-107.


"Translations of Spanish Golden Age Plays in Tsarist Russia, A Bibliography," Theatre Documentation, 1:1, (1968), 31-4.

"Lázaro y las mujeres: protagonistas que comparten un sino parecido," La palabra y el hombre, XLVII (1968), 359-65.


"Color Symbolism: A Key to a Possible New Interpretation of Cervantes’ Caballero del verde gabán" (With Vernon A. Chamberlin, The University of Kansas), Romance Notes, X, 2 (1969), 343-7.

"The Introduction of Spain’s Golden Age Theater Into Russia (1672-1800) Annali Dell’ Istituto Universitario Orientale-Sezione Romanza, XI, 2 (1969), 193-223. Also appeared in Kansas Slavic Reprints, No. 4.

"Adam and Eve Imagery in La Celestina," Papers on Language and Literature, V, 4 (1969), 389-96.

"Russian and Soviet Criticism of the Spanish Comedia," Yearbook of General and Comparative Literature, XVIII (1969), 48-69.

"Una posible raz*n de Urraca para matar a su hermano Sancho: una contribuci*n de Guillén de Castro al tema cidiano," Revue des langues Romanes, LXXVIII (1969), 173-95.


"El teatro español del Siglo de Oro en Rusia durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX," Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, CCXLI (1970), 46-76.

"The Death of Philip IV of Spain (1665) and the Early Russian Theatrical Repertoire (1672-1686)," Theatre Research, X, No. 3 (1970), 179-84.

"La lucha de Lazarillo de Tormes por el arca," Actas del III Congreso del la Asociaci*n Internacional de Hispanistas, Mexico, (1970), 931-4.

"El diario español de Alexander Veselovskii," Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, CCL (1970), 737-55.


"Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons and Galdos’ Doña Perfecta" With Vernon A. Chamberlin, The University of Kansas), PMLA LXXXVI (January, 1971), 19-23. Also appeared in Benito Pérez Gald*s: El escritor y la crítica, ed. Douglas M. Rogers. (Madrid: Taurus, 1973), 231-46.

"El escudero y las prostitutas: Lázaro y el escudero el río." Romance Notes, XII, 2 (Spring 1971), 419-21. La Revista Signos, IV, 2 (1970). 45-8.

"Versos no incluidos en el Cancionero de Sebastián de Horozco,"

Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, XXI (1971), 185-6.


"El ‘Santo Grillim*n’ en una poesía del Cancionero de Sebastián de Horozco," Hispan*fila, Num 49 (1973), 11-16.


"The Russian letters of the conde de la Viñaza." Annali Dell’ Istituto Universitario Orientale-Sezione Romanza, XV, 1 (1974), 121-6.


"Sebastián de Horozco y sus contertulios," Boletín de la Real Academia Española, LVI (1976), 537-51.


"Sebastián de Horozco y la historiografía antisemita según el MS 9175 (Biblioteca Nacional)," Actas del V Congreso de la Sociedad Internacional de Hispanistas (Bordeaux: Instituto de Estudios Ibéricos . . . 1977), II, 873-82.

"Sebastián de Horozco y los Hegas," Bulletin Hispanique, LXXXIX (1977), 139-46.


"Un episodio de la historia rusa visto por autores españoles del Siglo de Oro: El pretendiente Demetrio," Journal of Hispanic Philology, II (1978), 175-201.


"Christina de Suecia en dos obras de Calder*n de la Barca," Bulletin of the Comediantes, 31 (1979), 25-31.

"Sobre el linaje de los Horozco," Actos del primer congreso sobre la picaresca (Madrid: Fundaci*n Universitaria Espanola, 1979), págs. 791-824.


"Algunos personajes de El Cancionero de Sebastián de Horozco," Kentucky Romance Quarterly, XXVII (1980), págs. 215-25.

"El triángulo de las Bermudas en Lope de Vega," USF Literary Quarterly, XVIII (1980), 20.

"Dos documentos del archivo catedralicio toledano y la obra literaria de Pero Vázquez," Actas del Simposio Toledo Renacentista (1980), 163-206.


"Zeus y las metamorfosis de Sancho IV en La Estrella de Sevilla," Explicaci*n de textos literarios, X (1981), 63-67.


"Lope de Vega’s Fuenteovejuna Under Tsars, Commissars, and the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939)." Annali Dell’ Istituto

Orientale: Sezione Romanza, XXIV, 1 (1982), 167-223.

"Las interpolaciones de El Lazarillo de Tormes (Alcalá de Henares, 1554), . . ." Actas del cuarto congreso internacional de hispanistas (Salamanca, 1971), (Salamanca: AIH, 1982), II, 827-833. Also appeared in Hispan*fila LXXXV (1985), 16-21.


"La guerra y la paz espirituales en tres comedias de Lope de Vega," Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, XVII (1983), 65-79.

"La reina Ester en el teatro del Siglo de Oro: dos puntos de vista," Estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro en homenaje a Raymond R. MacCurdy, Ed. Angel González, Tamara Holzapfel y Alfred Rodríquez (Alburquerque: The University of New Mexico, 1983), 37-49.


"The De-Stalinization of Dmitrii Shostakovich’s Cantata, The Song of the Forests" (1949). Rocky Mountain Review, XXXVIII, 4 (1984), 214-22.


"El Anfitri*n de Plauto en el siglo dieciséis español,"

Proceedings of the University of Northern Iowa Conference on Hispanic Theater (1985), 73-78.


"Judías y Cristianos en El Brasil Restituido,"

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