Scholars at Wright


Scholars at Wright

Experience Scholars at Wright online!
The following lectures are available for online viewing:

Professor Richard Strier on John Milton's Paradise Lost

Professor Wendy Doniger on Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus

Professor Robert Pippin on Henry James' Portrait of a Lady

Professor David Bevington on Shakespeare's The Tempest

Professor Irvin Weil on Dostoevsky

About Scholars at Wright:

For fifteen years, with an initial minigrant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Illinois Humanities Council and the Illinois General Assembly, Scholars at Wright continues to bring dynamic literary scholars to excite the interest of our community college audience.

To view a list of the past books taught, please click the Books link.  A list of lecturing professors and their Curriculum Vitae may be found in the Professors listing.

© 2011
Scholars at Wright

Meeting on one evening each week, leading scholars teach, guide and illuminate the work for students in a lecture setting.  Recent programs were explorations of Leaves of Grass, by Walt Whitman, and Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain.  

Tuition for the program is kept to a minimum. This allows opportunities for adults continuing their education, Advanced Placement high school students, and college students whose budgets are limited but whose minds are eager. One hour of course credit is given at Wright College.

- To enroll in an upcoming course, please click the Enroll link.

- To contact the program  administrator regarding sponsorship opportunities, please click the Sponsor link.

- For information on our latest initiative to bring Scholars at Wright to local high schools, click here!

For more information email Professor Edward Mogul, Scholars at Wright Director.