Scholars at Wright


Scholars at Wright


David Bevington

David Bevington is the Phyllis Fay Horton Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in the Humanities at the University of Chicago, where he has taught since 1967. His first studies include From "Mankind" to Marlowe (1962), Tudor Drama and Politics (1968), andAction Is Eloquence: Shakespeare's Language of Gesture (1985). He is also the editor of Medieval Drama (Houghton Mifflin, 1975); The Bantam Shakespeare, in 29 paperback volumes (2nd edition, 2008); and The Complete Works of Shakespeare (6th edition, Longman, 2008), as well as the Oxford 1 Henry IV (1987), the CambridgeAntony and Cleopatra (1990), and the Arden 3 Troilus and Cressida(1998). He is the senior editor of the Revels Student Editions, and is a senior editor of the Revels Plays and of the forthcoming Cambridge edition of the works of Ben Jonson. He is senior editor of the Norton Anthology of Renaissance Drama (2002). With Peter Holbrook he has edited a collection of essays on The Politics of the Stuart Court Masque (Cambridge University Press, 1998). His latest books includeShakespeare: The Seven Ages of Human Experience (2nd edition, 2006), This Universal Theater: Shakespeare in Performance, Then and Now (2007), and Shakespeare's Ideas (2008).

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